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[来源:原创] [作者:aoutmy] [日期:17-05-03] [浏览次数:]

及时赶雪,减轻冻害。大雪会压伤花卉苗木,并加重冻害。要及时赶雪,防止花卉苗木发生机械损伤,减轻冻害。   连栋大棚要根据情况采取扫雪、铲雪、撒盐化雪、棚内加温化雪等措施;如大雪过猛,以上措施不能奏效,大棚有倒塌危险,要放弃棚内花卉保温,揭除棚内覆盖物,利用土壤相对较高温度增加棚内气温来化雪。   在没有其他办法的情况下,要根据大棚负载及时采取破膜保棚架措施,避免发生连栋大棚大面积倒塌。   做好大棚等设施的加固工作,要派专人管护大棚,特别是晚上要及时扒除大棚上的积雪,防止大棚倒塌。   毛竹林如何减轻雪灾损失   斩梢摇冰是减轻雪灾的主要应急措施。在积雪初期(雪尚未凝结成冰时)和化雪初期(气温回升到0度以上,冰雪开始融化时,约在每天上午9点至下午5点),对弯曲型和搭棚型的毛竹,要尽快组织人员上山斩梢摇冰。这时,竹梢下垂着地,人站立地面就可直接劈断梢头,易于操作,工效高。   斩梢摇冰的方法是:每株毛竹仅保留基部的20盘枝条,其余的枝盘用柴刀全部砍去,减轻毛竹的载冰重量。然后,轻摇毛竹或用棍棒敲击竹竿,震落处于融化状态的部分冰雪,保全毛竹 Catch the snow in time and lessen the damage. The snow will crush the plants and increase the damage. Keep the snow in time to prevent any mechanical damage and reduce the damage of the plants. Even a large shed should take measures such as sweeping snow, shoveling snow, salinizing snow and warming snow in the shed. Like snow too hard, greenhouses have collapsed risk, these measures can not work, want to give up those flowers insulation, jie, in addition to the relative covering use of relatively high soil temperature increase heat to melt the snow. In the absence of any other means, we shall adopt the broken film shelter and shelter in time according to the large shed load, and avoid the collapse of a large shelter. Do a good job of strengthening the shelter and other facilities, and send special people to protect the tent, especially in the evening, to remove the snow from the tent and prevent the collapse of the tent. How to mitigate the loss of snow damage in bamboo forests is the main emergency measure to mitigate the snow disaster. At the beginning of the snow, the snow has not yet been) condense into ice and snow early (the rise of temperature and 0 degrees above, when the snow began to melt, about a day at 9 am to 5 PM), to bend and dismantling of bamboo, to organize personnel as soon as shook up the hill to cut tip of ice. At this time, the bamboo tip droops down the ground, the person stands the ground to be able to cut off the head directly, easy to operate, the effect is high. The way to shake the ice is to keep only 20 branches of the base, and the rest of the branches are cut off with firewood, reducing the weight of bamboo. Then, gently shake the bamboo or use a stick to hit the bamboo pole, and it falls in part of the melting ice and ice, keeping the bamboo
