当前位置:首页 > 新闻动态 > 夏日花园盛开的草本花卉类植物
[来源:原创] [作者:aywl] [日期:17-04-21] [浏览次数:]

本来想着,夏天的花园就是炎热茂盛,各种浓重的绿色伴随着无处不在的蚊虫,阳光下晒蔫的叶片,以及躲在葡萄架下的些许阴凉。整理夏日开花植物的资料时,才意识到,其实,夏季花园里能开花的植物选择还真不少。 Originally thought, summer is hot and lush garden, all kinds of thick green, accompanied by the ubiquitous mosquito, sun lies wilting leaves, and some cool and hid under the grape trellis. Materials of summer flowering plants, realized that, in fact, the summer garden there's plenty flowering plant selection. 宿根类草本花卉: Perennial root herb flowers: 鼠尾草 sage 夏天院子里表现最好的,还是首推鼠尾草,暴晒下更喜欢开花,花期还超长,很多品种更是从春天一直开到深秋!鼠尾草品种非常多,之前有专门写过博文《院子里的鼠尾草》,介绍了蓝花、天蓝、深蓝、红花、墨西哥等鼠尾草。 Summer in the yard of the best, or the first sage, under the sun like flower, flowering and long, but also many varieties from spring till late autumn. Sage breed is very much, have special written before post the sage in the yard, this paper introduces the blue flower, sky blue, dark blue, red, Mexico etc. Sage. 薰衣草 多年生草本或小矮灌木,花期6-8月,品种非常多。 lavender Perennial herbs or small dwarf shrubs, flowering six to eight months, breed is very much. 蜀葵 hollyhock 蜀葵是多年生草本。茎直立而高。属于夏季非常难得布置花境的高杆开花植物 Hollyhock is perennial herb. Stems erect, high. Belong to summer very rare decorate flowers habitat is high flowering plants 花呈总状花序顶生单瓣或生瓣,有紫、粉、红、白等色。花期6月至8月。喜阳光充足,耐半阴,但忌涝。 Raceme flowers single or raw disc, purple, pink, red, white and other colors. Flowering in June to August. Like the sunny, half overcast, but avoid waterlogging. 银香菊 Silver sweet chrysanthemum 常绿多年生草本,株高50厘米,枝叶密集,新梢柔软,具灰白柔毛,叶银灰色花黄色。喜光,耐热,忌土壤湿涝。在遮荫和潮湿环境叶片淡绿色。花朵黄色,如纽扣,花期6-7月。耐干旱、耐瘠薄、耐高温、耐修剪,芳香,其独特的叶色还可以为炎热的夏季带来一种凉爽的感觉。喜光,在上海能露地越冬,耐热,忌土壤湿涝。 Evergreen perennial herbs, plant height 50 cm, branches and leaves densely, new tip soft, gray villous, with silver flowers yellow. Like light, heat, avoid wet soil waterlogging. Leaf blade light green in shade and moist environment. Flowers yellow, such as buttons, flowering 6 to 7 months. Resistance to drought, barren resistance, high temperature resistant, resistant to clip, fragrance, its unique leaf color can also be for the hot summer brings a kind of cool feeling. Like light, can open country wintering in Shanghai, heat-resistant, avoid wet soil waterlogging. 类似的还有迷迭香等香草类植物 Similar and rosemary herb plants
