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[来源:原创] [作者:aywl] [日期:17-05-23] [浏览次数:]

老话说:“立秋十八日,寸草都结籽”,就是说立秋以后自然界的植物都要结籽、结束生命了。这个节气对养花的人来说也是很重要的,有不少花卉要加强肥、水管理,进行秋剪、养护,使植株增强抗逆性。比如即将开花的桂花要增施一些含磷、钾肥的肥水,一进九月就要开花了;冬天开花的梅花经过扣水,促使叶芽向花芽转化,形成的花芽要通过增施磷、钾肥增壮,且要保护好叶子不脱落;而兰花要保持空气的湿度,防止秋燥,增施含磷、钾肥多的肥料,促使春兰、春蕙花芽增长;(比如春兰刚见花蕾要促其壮大)枸杞要适当剪枝,促使秋花多开并结实。菊花里的早菊已花蕾挺大了,大立菊也要疏蕾打叉,等等。所以立秋后对花卉管理事情还不少。   灌溉   灌溉宜早、晚进行,忌中午高温时灌溉,忌用温差较大的冷水。可地面浇灌,也可进行叶面喷水降温。   遮荫   对喜阴的花卉苗木继续进行遮阴处理,防止日灼,如龟背竹、杜鹃、文竹、蕨类、兰花等。   繁殖   (1)播种。可播种的木本花卉有牡丹、罗汉松等,种子可随采随播;可播种的草木花卉有矮牵牛、金鱼草、旱金莲、金盏菊等。   (2)扦插。可扦插繁殖的草本花卉有香草、半枝莲、天竺葵等;适宜扦插繁殖的木本花卉有九重葛、米兰、杜鹃、茶花、罗汉松等。   (3)嫁接。以紫玉兰、白玉兰为砧木,芽接二乔玉兰;以毛桃为砧木,嫁接碧桃、紫叶桃、红叶李;以青枫为砧木,嫁接红枫、羽毛枫;以野蔷薇等为砧木,嫁接现代月季等。   (4)压条。可压条繁殖的花没有:蜡梅、凌霄、桂花、紫玉兰、红枫等。   (5)分株。可进行分株繁殖的花卉有:吉祥草、玉簪、水伞草、鸢尾、菖蒲、肾蕨等。   肥水管理   对生长旺盛的花卉,应每隔半月施肥一次,对正在开花的花卉,应追施适量的磷钾肥。   修剪摘芽   对红继木、金叶女贞、法国冬青等绿篱,及时进行修剪;对月季、紫薇、米兰、茉莉等花卉,应剪除残花败梗并适当缩剪,剪去病虫枝、弱枝等,促使其萌发新枝再度开花。   采种   可采收的木本花卉种子有牡丹、罗汉松、夏蜡梅等。可采收的草本花卉种子有:芍药、半枝莲、凤仙花、牵牛花等。 The old saying goes: "on the eighteenth day of the autumn, the grass bears seed", which means that the plants of the natural world will be able to bear the seeds and end their lives after autumn. This is also very important to the people who raise flowers, there are a lot of flowers to strengthen the fertilizer, the water management, the autumn shear, the maintenance, make the plant strengthens the resistance. For example, the flower that is about to blossom will increase the amount of phosphorus and fertilizer, which will bloom in September. The flower bud of the flower that blooms in the winter, which causes the bud to turn from the bud to the bud of the bud, is to increase the phosphorus and fertilizer, and to protect the leaves from falling off. And the orchid wants to keep the humidity of the air, prevent autumn drying, increase the fertilizer that contains phosphorous, potash, prompt the spring orchid, spring hui flower bud growth; (for example, spring land has just seen a bud to boost its growth) the goji berries need to be pruned properly, prompting the autumn flowers to be open and firm. The chrysanthemum flower bud is already very big, the daisies also want to be in the bud, and so on. So after the fall, there was a lot of management of flowers. Irrigation irrigation should be done early and late, not to be irrigated at noon, and not to be used in cold water. The water can be irrigated on the ground and can also be used for the cooling of the surface water. The shade of the shade of the flower seedlings of the shade will continue to do shade processing to prevent the sun from burning, such as bamboo, cuckoo, bamboo, fern, orchid, etc. Multiply (1) sow. The seeds can be planted with the planting of peony and luo hansong. The seeds can be seeded with low draught, goldfish grass, dry golden lotus, and golden chrysanthemum. (2) cutting. Cuttable herbs with herbs, half branches, geranium, etc. It is suitable for cuttings and breeding of woody flowers, such as nine, milan, cuckoo, tea flower, and luo hansong. (3) grafting. In the purple and yulan, the magnolia is the root stock, the bud is the two julan; The root of the root stock is the root of the root of the tree, and the tree is made of green peach, purple leaf peach and red leaf plum. It is a root stock with green maple, grafted red maple and feather maple; It is the root stock, such as the wild rose, etc. (4) the pressure bar. The flower that can be pressed to reproduce is not: wax plum, the sky, osmanthus, violet, red maple etc. (5) the strain. The flowers that can be divided into the plant are: auspicious grass, jade, water umbrella grass, iris, calamus, kidney fern etc. The fertilizer should be fertilized once every two months, and the flowers should be fertilized. Pruning and plucking the green hedge, such as the red tree, the golden leaf and the winter green, and the pruning of the trees. Of flowers such as Chinese rose, jasmine, crape myrtle, milan, should be cut off from stray flower defeated terrier and appropriately shrink shear, cut off the branches of diseases and pests, such as weak branches, its germination should blossom again. The seeds of the harvested wood are peony, luo hansong, summer wax may etc. The seeds of the harvested herbs are: peony, semi, balinis and morning glory.
