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推荐七种藤本类屋顶花园植物 巧搭屋顶花园绿化
[来源:原创] [作者:aoutmy] [日期:17-05-06] [浏览次数:]

之前为喜爱给屋顶花园配置植物的你们推荐了草花类屋顶花园植物、灌木类屋顶花园植物、乔木类屋顶花园植物,今天小编再次推荐七种藤本类屋顶花园植物,让你在屋顶植物选择不再因为不知道选择什么植物而犯愁啦,屋顶绿化巧搭配,只要在花园中搭建一个花园木架,种植藤本类植物延伸出来的叶子或者茎,利用藤本植物发展垂直绿化,可提高绿化质量,改善和保护环境,创造景观、生态、经济三相宜的园林绿化效果。1.葡萄 For love to roof garden plants configuration before you recommend the type of roof garden plants, shrubs roof garden plants and trees roof garden plants, today again, small make up recommend seven vine roof garden plants, allows you to select no longer on the roof plant because don't know what to choose plants generally, roof greening collocates, as long as to build a garden in the garden, planted vine plants extension of the stem, leaf, or root use vines vertical greening, can improve the quality of virescence, improve and protect the environment, landscape, ecology, economic three fitting for landscape effect. 1. The grapes 现在是夏季时期,相信大家对葡萄非常熟悉,在饭后或者休闲时候享用葡萄果实,是多么美好的生活呢。在小时候可能也会在家乡时候在这个季节去采摘树上的葡萄,印象中对葡萄应该不是一种稀奇的植物。 It's summer time, and I believe you're familiar with grapes, and how wonderful it is to enjoy the grapes after dinner or after dinner. When you were a child, you might pick grapes from the tree at this season in your hometown, and the impression is that grapes should not be a strange plant. 葡萄属落叶藤本植物,掌叶状,3-5缺裂,复总状花序,通常呈圆锥形,浆果多为圆形或椭圆,色泽随品种而异。葡萄是喜光植物,对光的要求较高,因此要注意不要种植在长期阴凉处,对土壤的适应性较强,而以肥沃的沙壤土最为适宜。在屋顶上种植葡萄,构成繁花似锦、硕果累累的植物景观,既可以赏花观果,又提供了纳凉游怨的场所,享受果实,是不是很像屋顶果园呢! The grape is the leaf of the leaf, the palm leaf, the 3-5 lack of cleft, the complex total of the inflorescence, usually the conical, the berry is round or the ellipse, the colour and lustre varies with the variety. Grape is a very bright light plant, light of the demand is higher, so be careful not to grow in the shade for a long time, good adaptability to soil, and in the fertile silty loam is most appropriate. Grape growing on the roof, a carpet of flowers, the plant landscape of fruits, can eat fruit, and provides a cool swim hatred, enjoy the fruits, isn't it like a roof garden! 2.紫藤 2. The wisteria 落叶攀援缠绕性大藤本植物,干皮深灰色,不裂。嫩枝暗黄绿色密被柔毛,冬芽扁卵形,密被柔毛。呈下垂状,总花梗、小花梗及花萼密被柔毛,花紫色或深紫色。紫藤为暖带及温带植物,对气候和土壤的适应性强,较耐寒,能耐水湿及瘠薄土壤,喜光,较耐阴,喜酸性土壤,耐热稍耐寒,萌芽力强,耐修剪。排水良好,向阳避风的地方栽培最适宜。在庭院或者花园中用其攀绕棚架,制成花廊,或用其攀绕枯木,有枯木逢生之意。还可做成姿态优美的悬崖式盆景,置于高几架、书柜顶上,繁花满树,老桩横斜,别有韵致。看到紫藤花是否想起了紫藤花那首歌,紫色充满了浪漫,是营造花园浪漫气氛的一个很好的植物选择哦! Deciduous climbing and coiled large cane plant, dry skin deep grey, not split. Dark green and yellow green, soft hair, white bud, and soft hair. In drooping form, the total flower stalk, the flower stalk, and the calyx are soft, purple or deep purple. Wisteria in warm and temperate plants, strong adaptability to the climate and soil, a hardy, ability of water wet and barren soil, like light, more resistant to Yin, and acidic soil, heat is a bit cold, bud, strong resistance to trim. A good drainage is the best place to cultivate the wind from the sun. In the yard or in the garden, it is used to climb the scaffolding, make the gallery, or use it to climb the dead wood, and the dead wood will come to life. Still can be made the cliff of the cliff that is graceful, put above tall, bookcase top, the flower is full of tree, old pile is cross, don't have a rhyme. See if the purple rattan flower is thinking of the song, purple is full of romance, it is a good plant choice that builds the romantic atmosphere of the garden! 3.爬山虎 3. Boston ivy 爬山虎,也称“巴山虎”“常青藤”,葡萄科植物。夏季开花,花小,黄绿色,浆果紫黑色。叶互生,小叶肥厚,基部楔形,变异很大,边缘有粗锯齿,叶片及叶脉对称。花枝上的叶宽卵形,叶绿色,无毛,背面具有白粉,叶背叶脉处有柔毛,秋季变为鲜红色。适应性强,性喜阴湿环境,但不怕强光,耐寒,耐旱,耐贫瘠,气候适应性广泛。爬山虎生性随和,占地少、生长快,绿化覆盖面积大。 The mountain tiger, also known as "ba shan tiger", "ivy", grape plant. Summer flowers, small, yellow-green, berry black. Leaves interlife, lobule thickening, base cuneiform, variable large, edge with coarse saw, leaf and vein symmetry. The leaf of the flower branch is wide ovate, leaf green, hairless, the reverse side has white powder, the back of the leaf has soft hair, autumn turns bright red. It is adaptable to the environment, but it is not afraid of bright light, cold weather, drought, poor tolerance and extensive climate adaptability. The climbing tiger is easy-going, the area is small, the growth is fast, the greening covers the area. 4.薜荔 4. Climbing FIG 薜荔相对来说就比较陌生了,不管是从外形还是从名称,果实却与无花果有几分相似。薜荔俗称凉粉果、木馒头,叶两型,不结果枝节上生不定根,叶卵状心形,薄革质,基部稍不对称,尖端渐尖,叶柄很短;结果枝上无不定根,革质,卵状椭圆形,先端急尖至钝形,基部圆形至浅心形,全缘,上面无毛,背面被黄褐色柔毛,基生叶脉延长,网脉3-4对,在表面下陷,背面凸起,网脉甚明显,呈蜂窝状。适应性强、对土壤要求不严、耐贫瘠、抗干旱、故繁殖容易。 Climbing is relatively new, and the fruit is somewhat similar to figs, whether from a shape or from a name. Climbing FIG commonly known as fruit jelly, steamed buns, leaf type two, don't results coupled with adventitious roots, leaf heart oval, the heavy leather quality, base slightly asymmetric, tip acuminate, petiole short; Fruit on no adventitious roots, leathery, elliptic, oval apex acute to obtuse, base rounded to shallow heart, margin entire, glabrous above, yellow-brown pilose on back, base Ye Maiyan, long net veins 3 or 4 pairs, on the surface subsidence, bumps on the back, the network of arteries and veins is very obvious, the honeycomb. The adaptability is strong, the soil is not strict, the poor, the drought, the reproduction is easy. 5. 凌霄 5. Dedicated 落叶木质藤本,羽状复叶对生,花橙红色,由三出聚伞花序集成稀疏顶生圆锥花丛;花萼钟形,质较薄,绿色,萼齿披针形;花冠漏斗状。蒴果长如豆荚,顶端钝。性喜阳、温暖湿润的环境,稍耐荫。喜欢排水良好土壤,较耐水湿、并有一定的耐盐碱能力。 Leaves of wood of deciduous wood, pinnate compound leaf, flowers orange, and the cluster of three clusters of parasols with a sparse roof. Calyx bell shape, thin, green, and calyx. The crown funnel. Capsules, like pods, are blunt at the top. Sex is a sunny, warm and humid environment with shade. It likes good drainage and water, and has certain ability of salt and alkali resistance. 6.木香 6. Combination 表面黄褐色,有稀疏侧根,茎直立,被有稀疏短柔毛。基生叶大型,具长柄;叶片三角状卵形或长三角形,基部心形或阔楔形。下延直达叶柄基部或一规则分裂的翅状,叶缘呈不规则浅裂或波状,疏生短刺,上面深绿色,被短毛,下面淡绿带褐色,被短毛;茎生叶较小,叶基翼状,下延抱茎。喜凉爽湿润气候,稍耐寒,怕高温和强光,宜选土层深厚、土质疏松、排水良好的砂壤土或壤土种植。 The surface is brownish, with sparse side roots, and the stems are erect, and have a thin, soft, soft hair. Large, long-handled leaves of the basal leaf; A triangular shape or a long triangle with a shape or a wide wedge. Delay to the base of petiole or a rule under the division of wing shape, leaf margin shallow crack or irregular shaped, thin short spines, dark green above, be short hair, light green with brown, below are short hairs; The stems are smaller, the leaf base wing, and the lower extension of the stalk. It is a cool, humid climate, a little hardy, and is afraid of high temperature and strong light. It is suitable for soil, soil, soil or loam.
