当前位置:首页 > 新闻动态 > 草本植物可分为一、二年草本、多年生草本及球根植物
[来源:原创] [作者:不详] [日期:21-01-21] [浏览次数:]

草本植物可分为一、二年草本、多年生草本及球根植物。虽或具观叶价值,但仍以观花为主要目的。因此,此处着重于草本花卉的探讨。 A year or two, herbaceous plants can be divided into the herb, perennial herb and bulbous plants. Although or foliage ornamental value, but still it is main purpose to flower. Therefore, focused on herbaceous flowers here. •草本花卉从栽培至开花通常仅需数月,较之木本花卉在栽培上更具变化性。 , herbaceous flowers blossom from cultivation to usually only a few months, compared with woody flower more variability in cultivation. •品种繁多而花色缤纷,适应性广,且多以种子繁殖,短期内可获大量植株。 • variety and design and color is colorful, wide adaptability, and to seed breeding, to a large number of plants in the short term. •可利用的范围广泛,适用于公园、庭园、阳台、花坛及盆栽或切花观赏之用。 Available a wide range, suitable for park, garden, balcony, flower beds and potted plants or cut flowers ornamental purposes. (1)一、二年生草本花卉 (1) a, biennial herbaceous flowers •一、二年生草本花卉花色鲜丽,装饰效果强,但生命期短,管理费工,故在园中仅用于重点地区装饰各式花坛。 , a biennial herbaceous flowers and bold colors, adornment effect is strong, but life is short, the management work, it is only used to decorate all kinds of flower beds in the key areas in the garden. (2)多年生花卉 (2) perennial flowers •具有的突出特点 • have the prominent characteristic •①一次种植,多年观赏; Watch, (1) a plant, for several years; •②因植株体相对矮小,适用于花坛、花境、花丛、花带及地被中; , (2) for the plant body is relatively small, be applicable to the flower beds, flower, flower, is taken and cover; •③装饰作用强,观赏价值高; (3) strong adornment effect, high ornamental value; •④适应性强; 4. Strong adaptability; •⑤管理简便,投入少。 , (5) management is simple, low cost. 多年生宿根花卉在造景中的应用 Perennial perennial root flowers and plants in the application of the landscape •2.1形成专类花园 对观赏性较高的多年生花卉,根据其生长特性与艺术要求,可形成专类花园,如芍药园、水生植物园、鸢尾园、岩石园、室内花园等。 • 2.1 form the theme garden For higher ornamental of the perennial flowers, according to the requirements of the growth characteristics and art, can form only kind garden, such as aquatic botanical garden, peony garden, iris garden, rock garden, indoor garden, etc. •2.2与建筑、道路、水体的搭配 多年生花卉与建筑的协调关系,主要体现在建筑的门、窗、墙、角隅等方面,建筑的线条比较硬,而多年生花卉的线条则比较柔和和活泼。 • 2.2 the collocation with buildings, roads, water body Perennial flowers and construction coordination, mainly reflected in the construction of doors, Windows, walls, corner, etc., the line of construction is hard, and perennial flowers line is more soft and lively. •2.3与其它植物材料的配植 多年生花卉是植物材料中的一个组成部分,它与其它植物有密切的关系,多年生花卉相对比较矮小,所以与其它植物特别是木本植物相配植时,用作地被较多,但也可在林缘或空旷地、草地上作主景材料使用,通过配植多年生花卉可起到丰富植物景观的层次结构,增加植物物候景观变化等作用,从而有效地提高了植物造景的艺术效果。 2.3 with other plant materials, and shrubs Perennial flowers is an integral part of plant materials, which have close relationship with other plants, perennial flowers is relatively small, so with other plants, especially woody plants suitable plant, being used more, but also can be in the margin or clearing forests and grass for observe materials used, through the plant perennial flowers has rich plant landscape of hierarchical structure, increase the plant phenology landscape change of role, effectively improved the plant landscaping art effect.
