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[来源:原创] [作者:不详] [日期:20-12-22] [浏览次数:]


治病害的主要农药有波尔多液、碱式硫酸铜、代森锰锌、托布津、多 菌灵、退菌特、宝丽安、扑海因、粉锈宁、菌毒清等。这些药称为杀菌 ,主要作用是抑制或杀灭各类病菌。 Treatment of main pesticide bordeaux mixture, alkali type copper sulfate, mancozeb, thiophanate, carbendazim, bacteria, polyster Ann, rush toward the sea, because of rust ning, powder, fungus poisonous clear and so on. These drugs known as sterilization, main effect is to restrain or kill various germs. 防治害虫的主要农药有杀螟松、辛硫磷、氧化乐果、螨死净、克螨特、万灵、杀蛉脲、灭幼脲3号、桃小灵、溴氰菊酯、速灭杀丁等。这类农药称为杀虫剂,通过胃毒、触杀、内吸、熏蒸等不同毒杀方式杀灭害虫。 Pest control of main pesticide fenitrothion, phoxim, omethoate, mite dead net, mites, spirits, kill flies urea, show urea no. 3, small peach spirit, deltamethrin, butyl speed culling, etc. This kind of pesticide called pesticides, through the stomach toxicity, tag, uptake, fumigation etc. Different ways poison to kill pests. 石硫合剂具有防病治虫双重功能。脲类药剂对鳞翅目害虫的幼虫有特效。波尔多液(包括碱式硫酸铜)不能与石硫合剂混用,同一苗圃内使用间隔时间应在20天以上。波尔多液和石硫合剂与多数杀虫剂如辛硫酸、三硫磷、三环锡、磷胺、敌敌畏、乐果、三氯杀螨醇、克螨特、西维因、速灭杀丁等不能混用。也不能与多菌灵、扑海因、百菌清、代森锰锌、退菌特、福美砷等杀菌剂混用。 Lime sulfur mixture has a dual function preventing pest. Type of reagents for the larvae of lepidoptera pests have special effects. Bordeaux mixture (including alkali copper sulfate) can not be used with lime sulfur mixture, using interval time should be within the same nursery in more than 20 days. Bordeaux mixture and lime sulfur mixture with most pesticides such as sulfuric acid, sulfur, phosphorus, cyhexatin, phosphorus amine, dichlorvos, dimethoate, dicofol, gram mite, carbaryl, ding speed culling can not mix. Also can't and carbendazim, rush toward the sea, chlorothalonil and mancozeb, bacteria, f the fungicide mixture of arsenic, etc. 微生物杀虫剂如白僵菌、青虫菌等不可与微生物杀菌剂如井岗霉素、春雷霉素、增产菌、活性有机肥等混用,更不宜与杀菌、杀虫的农药混用。油乳剂、皂液与多数杀虫、杀菌剂不能混用;有机磷农药与溴氰菊酯混用,虽能增加杀虫效果,也能增加对人的毒性,使用要注意安全。C型双效微肥、菌毒清与菊酯类杀虫剂混用可使药效增加,也比较安全。 Microbial pesticides such as beauveria bassiana, nutritional bacteria and microbial fungicides such as validamycin, thunderbolt, doxycycline, yield increasing fungus, and active organic fertilizer such as mixture, more unsuitable mixed with bactericidal and insecticidal pesticide. Oil emulsion, soap, and most of the insecticidal, fungicide cannot mix; Organophosphorus pesticides and deltamethrin mixed, can increase the insecticidal effect, also can increase the toxicity of people, use to pay attention to safety. C type double weifei, fungus poisonous clear and strain insecticides can increase the efficacy, and safe.
