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[来源:来自网络] [作者:不详] [日期:22-12-20] [浏览次数:]

所谓“养花”,那当然是要“养”啦。修剪技术在花卉养护过程中,是非常重要的。   Q1、花卉为什么要修剪   养花“七分靠管,三分靠剪“的花谚,是一条重要的养花经验。通过修剪,不仅可使花卉枝条分布均匀、节省养分、调节株势、控制徒长,从而使花卉株形整齐、姿态优美,而更重要的是有利于多开花。大多数花卉的花朵都开在新枝上,只有不断修剪老枝,才能促发新枝,多开花,多结 果。修剪一般分为以下两种:   ( 1 ) 休眠期修剪: 主要是进行疏枝和短截。 宜在早春树液刚开始流动, 芽即将萌动时进行。修剪太早,伤口不易愈合,芽萌发新梢易受冻害;修 剪过晚,新梢已萌发,浪费养分;   ( 2 ) 生长期修剪: 主要是为了调节营养生长, 包括摘心、 抹芽、 疏花、 疏果、剪除徒长枝等项工作。生长期间,随时右以进行。   Q2、一般盆栽花卉什么时间修剪好?   不同类型的花木,修剪的时间不同。修剪以观花为主的花木类时,首 先要掌握不同花木的开花习性。凡春季开花,如梅花、碧桃、迎春等 , 花芽是在头一年枝条上形成的,因此冬季不宜修剪,早春发芽前也不宜修剪,否则会剪掉花枝,应在开花后 1 —2 周内修剪,促使萌发新梢,又可形成来年的花枝。如果等到秋、冬季修剪,夏季已形成有花芽的枝条就会受到损伤, 影响第二年开花。   凡是在当年生枝条上开花的花木, 如月季、扶桑、一品红、木芙蓉、金橘、代代、佛手等,应在冬季休眠进行修剪, 促其多发新梢、多开花、多结果。蔓生性木本花卉,一般应于休眠期或冬 季修剪,以便保持整齐、匀称、优美的株形。以直为主的花木,亦多在休 眠期修剪。   Q3、怎么样进行摘心?   摘心是用手指掐去(或剪掉)花卉主茎或侧枝的顶梢,促使腋芽萌发 或抑制枝条徒长,使植株生长粗壮、美观、花朵数目增多。   一般草本花卉, 如一串红、金鱼草、五色椒、长春花等,幼苗定植成活后,株高约 10 厘米 时,即可进行打顶,促使其多分枝、多开花。又如四季海棠、倒挂金钟、菊花等,小苗定植成活后,应进行摘心,促使多发侧枝,株形丰富,增加开花数目。但对一些摘心后使花朵变小或不能开花的花卉,如凤仙花、鸡冠花、江西腊等,则不宜摘心。   一些木本花卉多在春季换盆时或主枝生长旺盛时进行打顶摘心,使其加快分枝的形成。如石榴、月季、梅花、一品 红、叶子花、夜丁香等,可根据栽培目的和植株长势多次打顶。   Q4、灌木类植物如何修剪?   园林中灌木一般可分为观花、观果、观枝干等三类。应根据不同的观赏目的采用不同的修剪方法。以观花保定网站建设  伺服液位仪  防撞墙模具 唐山护栏  钢纤维 天津除甲醛  保定铝型材为主的灌木,常见的有迎春、连翘、 黄刺玫、紫荆、丁香等,它们的花芽都是在头一年枝条上形成的,因此修剪宜在五六月开花过后进行。   夏季修剪以疏枝整形为主,剪去交叉枝、徒 长枝、密生枝、病虫枝及枯枝,以利通风透光,使养分集中;对花后残留 枝梢可截短,促其生长,以利来年多开花。   对于夏季开花的灌木,如玫瑰、 木槿、枸杞、紫薇等,它们是在当年春季发出的新梢上开花,所以修剪在 冬季落叶后进行。剪除过密枝、枯枝以及病虫害枝等。疏枝时残桩不能留得过长,一般上切口从分枝点起,按 45 °倾斜角剪截,切口要平滑。弱枝 重剪,强枝轻剪,每个枝条上可保留 4 —— 6 个芽子,其余部分截去。   既能观花又能观果的灌木,如冬青、金银木等,花后适当剪除一些过密枝和病 虫枝,使之通风透光,以利结果。对于观枝干一些灌木,如红瑞木、棣棠等,因主要是观赏其鲜艳的幼嫩枝条,所以可于每年冬季进行重剪,地上部分仅留 15 厘米—20 厘米,其余部分剪去,促使其来年萌发更多的新枝。 The so-called "planting flowers", of course, is to "raise". The technique of pruning is very important in the process of flower curing. Q1, flowers why want to be pruned to raise the flower "seven cent by the tube, the three cent depend on cut" the flower proverb, is an important to raise the flower experience. Through the clip, not only can make the flower branches distributed evenly, saves the moderate growth, nutrient, the strain of potential adjustment and control to make flowers plant neat and beautiful posture, but more importantly to blossom. The flowers of most flowers are on new branches, and only by pruning the old branches can they spur new branches, blossom and bear fruit. There are two types of pruning: (1) the period of sleep pruning: the main thing is to do the pruning and the short cut. At the beginning of the spring tree, the buds will start to move. It is too early to cut, and the wound is not easy to heal. After the evening, the new ends have been germinated and wasted on nutrients; (2) the growing season pruning: mainly to regulate vegetative growth, including the heart, sprouting, flower, fruit thinning, cut off water sprout and so on a work. During growth, always go right to the right. What time do you want to trim the plants? Different kinds of flowers and trees, different time of pruning. When pruning to look at the flower and wood like the main flower, first need to grasp the flowering habit of different flowers and trees. Every spring flowers, such as plum, prunus persica, winter jasmine, flower bud is formed in the first year branches, so winter is unfavorable and pruning, unfavorable also clip before early spring bud, otherwise it will cut flowers, should be within 1-2 weeks after flowering clip, prompted germination of new tip, and can form flowers in the coming year. If you wait until the autumn and winter season, the buds will be damaged in the summer, and the next year will be affected. Anyone born in the year on flowering branches of flowers and trees, such as Chinese rose, mulberry, poinsettia, cotton rose, kumquat, handed down, bergamot, etc., shall be carried out in winter dormancy clip, promote its multiple new tip and flowering and results. The plant is a plant of woody plants that should be pruned during sleep or winter season in order to maintain neat, symmetrical and graceful strains. The flowers and trees, mainly for the main, are also pruned during the rest of the period. Q3, how do you pick your heart? Pick heart is with your fingers choke to (or off) flower stalk or collateral tops, prompting axillary bud germination moderate growth, or inhibition of branches to make plants grow thick, beautiful, flower number increase. Typically herbaceous flowers, such as string, antirrhinum, five color pepper, periwinkle, seedling survival after engraftment, plant height of about 10 centimeters, can be in multi-topping, its branches and flower. Again, like the
